Recently we looked at how landlords find the best tenants for their property, but how do you find the best property manager?
A good property manager does more than find a tenant and collect rents.
Here are the top 5 questions to help you find the best property manager;
1. Is the real estate agency … Continue Reading »

Property is a big investment for most people, once you’ve found the right investment property the next step is finding the right tenant.
It goes without saying, part of the viability of your investment property is the rental income, hence it’s imperative you secure a great tenant for the right amount.
So what constitutes as … Continue Reading »

April 2015 – (RP Data)
The property market has seen stronger rental growth over the past quarter however annual growth in the rental market remains low.
A strong property market does not always cross all sectors of the market. According to RP Data’s latest Quarterly Rental Review.
The report outlines issues such as an increase in new housing supply and record numbers … Continue Reading »

Tips for getting your rental application approved faster
In a competitive rental market, you want to ensure your application is approved. There are a number of tips and tricks that any potential tenant can do to get their application processed quicker and ultimately assist in securing the rental property you want.
Related: 3 tips to Enhance Your Space
Most agencies require … Continue Reading »
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