Investors pay a lot of attention to finding the right location and property, but one area they often neglect is selecting the right agent to manage their investment.
Can a property manager really make a difference though?
“Absolutely” says Tracey Chandler of Buyers Agent Sydney. ”The right agent can make a substantial difference over the life of your investment.”
“You learn over time, … Continue Reading »
You’ve been to all the open for inspections, completed the application forms and been approved for your first rental property – what happens next?
Here are the top three things you need to know before signing your first residential tenancy agreement.
What is a residential tenancy agreement?
A residential tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you, as a tenant, and your landlord. … Continue Reading »
Choosing to buy a rental property in an area where tenant demand is high and vacancies are low is one way for landlords to increase their investment property’s likely income, but once the purchase is made, there are other ways to maximise its value.
Crolyn Parrella, Executive Manager of Landlord Insurance Specialists, Terri Scheer, says property investment is a passionate … Continue Reading »
Ending the lease
There are many reasons a lease might end before its specified date, and not all reasons are due to the action or inaction of the tenant. If you’re selling your house with ‘vacant possession’, you’re going to need to ensure there are no tenants occupying the property at settlement.
Similarly, if you need to carry … Continue Reading »
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