Choosing to buy a rental property in an area where tenant demand is high and vacancies are low is one way for landlords to increase their investment property’s likely income, but once the purchase is made, there are other ways to maximise its value.
Crolyn Parrella, Executive Manager of Landlord Insurance Specialists, Terri Scheer, says property investment is a passionate … Continue Reading »

Once they’re living in your place, it’s dead easy to spot a bad tenant. They’re usually the ones paying late, causing havoc with the neighbours, treating your place like a tip or demanding endless costly repairs.
In short, making your life – and your property manager’s life – hell.
But if you can select a great tenant from the outset, you … Continue Reading »

MELBOURNE’S vacancy rate has dropped to a near 10-year low, reflecting an increasingly unaffordable “landlords’ market” in the city.
SQM Research figures show just 1.7 per cent of the properties being offered for rent in the city remained available in February, equating to 8693 residences.
This was down from 2 per cent in January.
SQM managing director Louis Christopher said the last time … Continue Reading »

FEAR is a driving force in the world of real estate: fear of missing out, fear of losing money, fear of accidentally raising your arm at an auction.
Landlords and tenants comprise a huge slab of Australia’s property scene and each group has their own specific fears. If they knew what scares each other the most, they … Continue Reading »

So, you have found your dream home but you’re not sure whether you should sell your existing house to buy the new home or keep your existing house, lease it out and buy the new home.
There’s no right or wrong answer to this question but there are a number of considerations to keep in mind.
The first thing you need to ask … Continue Reading »

Many investors have already experienced the tenant from hell. It may have been daily calls to fix a loose door handle or unexplained holes in the walls and broken glass.
These problems, no matter how big or small, can make owning a rental property a real nightmare; especially if you’re managing the property yourself. What … Continue Reading »

We never know when something’s going to go wrong with our home, but it’s likely that at some stage in your life as a homeowner, tenant or landlord, something most certainly will.
Whether you’re a homeowner dealing with a burst pipe or rotting floor, a tenant dealing with a burglary or a landlord wanting peace of mind that your property is … Continue Reading »

Property is a top investment choice for many Australians, and so it makes sense that more of us are becoming landlords.
Being a good landlord takes a little more effort than just sitting back and collecting the rent and taken on the title comes with certain responsibilities.
7 things to know about being a landlord
Here’s our list of … Continue Reading »

When buying a property to rent out for investment purposes, do you follow your gut, head or heart? According to Benjamin Kingsley, chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia, you can consider all of these as long as the renter’s perspective holds the greatest sway.
Investors might get seduced by an inferior property, because they are thinking about picking up a bargain instead … Continue Reading »
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