A premium result simply doesn’t happen by chance

When a vendor makes the decision to sell their property they will be faced by many challenges. In real estate knowledge is power, knowing and understanding the 5 critical mistakes vendors make when going to the market will help retain the property’s integrity and assist in overcoming adversity.

1. Under investing in marketing

In today’s competitive and digital marketplace, gaining the edge over rivaling properties can be the difference between a successful sales campaign and a failed attempt.  Adequately investing in the marketing of your property can ensure it is positioned in front of more buyers giving it the best opportunity to achieve a premium sale piece in the shortest amount of time.

2. No advertised price or price guide

Research by realestate.com.au clearly shows us that a buyer is likely to over look a property without a price or price guide. Not advertising a price or price guide on the property is a critical mistake made by many vendors and agents potentially cutting buyer enquiry by more than 60%.

3. No open homes

You should rely solely on private buyer inspections. By offering open for inspection times to potential buyers allows them to plan their inspections without relying on making contact with the agent. On average we receive 80% more enquiry using a combination of open homes and private inspections. (We recommend twice weekly in the first 4-5 weeks of the campaign, one in the evening on a weekday and one on a Saturday)

4. Holding out for a premium price

When we market a property for sale, price and time work against each other. The longer a property stays on the market the less likely the vendor is to achieve a premium price for their property. Almost every record sale price achieved is done within a 30 day period.

5. Presentation

Invest in the presentation and styling of your property whist it’s on the market, de-clutter and fix any minor repairs that may need attention. Buyers don’t want to walk into a property that does not feel as though it could be their own. Potential buyers will find it difficult to connect with the property and automatically discount its value.

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