Changing Places State Manager Opportunity

state manager wanted

Be rewarded by the success of your own sales team

An outstanding opportunity currently exists for a professional and motivated individual to join the Executive Management team at Changing Places. The role will be in a ‘joint venture’ capacity and ultimately you will be fully responsible for the development and growth of the Changing Places business and brand in your state.

You will be handsomely rewarded for your own efforts and enjoy all the benefits of a Changing Places Area Specialist business operator in addition you will also receive significant incentives by building and growing the Changing Places sales team in your state, subsequently sharing in their combined success.

You will have the flexibility to operate your business as your own – while still complying with Changing Places minimum standards, culture and ethics – you will be supported by a professional and experienced head office management team that will equip you with the resources to success in your new business venture.

This opportunity is strictly limited to one ‘Sate Manager’ Joint venture project per state in Australia.

Submit your expressions of interest now.

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