- Peter Troy
- Business Broker
- P: (03) 9686 8228
- M: 0412 330 077
- F: (03) 9686 8881
- E: petert@changingbusiness.com.au
- Email Agent
As a graduate of accounting and business administration, Peter commenced his professional career in the corporate environment as a Sales Manager with Golden Fleece Petroleum.
The company soon recognized his abilities in establishing and marketing through major bulk distribution facilities and opening unrepresented territories. Having declined a promotion to State Manager for South Australia, Peter embarked on his own business endeavor growing a large network or service stations throughout the Greater Metropolitan region of Melbourne – a $20m enterprise employing 125 staff members.
In 1998 he built and operated a $3.2m hospitality “Landmark” in Echuca now known as “The Beechworth Bakery”, which has since encouraged greater tourist visitation to the region.
Peter’s level of comfort is with clients in the middle to high end bracket and brings his own style and approach, through strategically planning the successful union of seller and buyer.
Peter is now the Senior Broker for Changing Business, the business broking arm of Changing Places and is spearheading the operation for future growth and expansion.